Work From Home

5 Sustainable Practices to Improve Work-From-Home Productivity

Companies, no matter what size, don’t want to work harder to produce the same results or waste time and resources.

Kristi Dawn Riggs
5 min readFeb 13, 2021


Polina Kovaleva on Pexles

Productivity is measured by units of a resource. Calculating the value of a unit requires an evaluation of effort, staffing, and cost. The least units needed to earn a return on investment, the more efficient the productivity.

Companies, no matter what size, don’t want to work harder to produce the same results or waste time and resources. For this reason, organizations are considering ways to develop better work-from-home processes to nurture existing teams and grow new teams.

Since the onset of COVID-19 and the rush to shift to more virtual work models, human resources, leaders, and lifetime “work-from-homers” have been dishing out advice online, and I’ve picked the best practices that work for my virtual teams.

Anyone interested in improving productivity in a virtual environment will want to integrate these top five sustainable success practices.

Performance Management

Developing “gates” or “metric” goals is typically used for organizing bonus structures and…



Kristi Dawn Riggs

Advisor, University Faculty Adjunct, M.A. Georgetown University.